Wednesday 27 April 2011

109 kilograms

The scales settled on 109 kilograms a couple of times but also once settled on 111 kilos! I will take the lowest reading I think! lol Yes eventually I will replace the scales but it really isn't about an exact number, just the range so the scales will do for now. When I am 80 kilos those scales will not be able to register in the 100s! Anyway, regardless of the scale I believe I have lost something as I feel slightly less heavy lol I know initially you get a nice big drop in water weight but whether its water or fat it feels good to see some improvement looking back at me in the mirror. I think there was a slight looseness in my trousers!
I haven't joined the gym as I was planning yet due to unforeseen minutiae of life nor have I been on the treadmill again but I certainly plan on doing that tomorrow and gym next week. The chocolate funsize varieties that I just cannot say no too (easily) have been consumed in moderation and are now gone leaving the unexciting assortment of bunnies and eggs for my husband to eat at his leisure! (he is not overweight). In case the chocolate monster rears its head I have bought some green and blacks organic dark chocolate to try. Hopefully I will eat a few squares just to get that taste of sweet chocolate then stop, as opposed to milk chocolate which I find harder to stop eating lol!
I have examined the things I eat and, after being inspired by some weight loss blogs, have bought some ingredients and necessary kitchen stuff to make some lower fat, more protein type foods than usual. Things like the aforementioned chicken breasts with veg and a carb to be determined, homemade pizzas, zucchini loaf, and cheesy omelettes to name a few things I will eat. (I am by no means a chef nor do I enjoy cooking - weight loss efforts in the past, pre-family, have involved a stack of Lean Cuisines in the freezer but now I have a family to think of and cook for). I don't want to omit carbohydrates, but I need more proteiny foods and satiating foods (like not low fat). Less calories than I burn but the calories that I do eat need to be a good mix of protein, fat and carb. It's certainly going to be a learning process as you may be able to see. I don't quite know what will work for me but am going to start by emulating a few successful weight loss bloggers out there and see what I need to tweak and adjust along the way. Ok I think I have laboured on that enough lol.
So diet still just ok, needs improvement as does exercise.


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