Monday 25 April 2011

110 kilograms

So we came home from a family get-together with LOTS of Easter chocolate (gifts) and its all sitting in my fridge - funsize chocolates of many varieties, bunnies, and chocolate eggs. Did I mention that I LOVE chocolate? Well I do but this time (so far) I have managed to stick to a couple of funsize chocs per day (its been 2 days). I am confident that my motivation levels are still high enough to sustain this until the chocolate is all gone (hubs is eating it too as kids not too fond of chocolate yet). He offered to get rid of the chocolate for me but I am quietly confident that I can eat this chocolate (the funsize chocs anyway, don't care for the bunnies or eggs) in moderation plus I hate waste. That said, if I binge on it or have problems controlling myself then it will be GONE. So far, its a pleasant treat to give myself.
I have been doing 30 minutes walking on the treadmill every second day (that's two workouts so far). I feel GREAT after the exercise. I want to keep it up and maybe join a gym..
I have started putting on a bit more makeup and wearing my bracelet again. Also having bubble baths with yummy bath bombs I got for my birthday. Small steps to loving myself again - nurturing me so I can be the best me, mother and wife I can be.
I stepped on the scale and it sort of settled to 110 kilos. I hope its right because I am SO excited about getting under 100 kilos. It's just a countdown from 10 to double digits so it makes it more motivating somehow. I'll have to think up more mindgames to get me down through the nineties LOL.
So all in all, a positive beginning.

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